Advantages of biodiesel
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Biodiesel made from animal and vegetable oils, whether used as fuel or for other purposes, has many advantages:
Biodiesel made from animal and vegetable oils, whether used as fuel or for other purposes, has many advantages:
Biodiesel and petroleum diesel performance is very similar, as a diesel fuel does not need to modify the engine, storage is also the same as petroleum diesel;
Biodiesel used as automobile fuel can reduce the exhaust gas (CO2 carbon dioxide) emissions by 80%, sulfur oxide emissions by 99.999999, can reduce the unburned hydrocarbons> 90%, reduce aromatics 75-90%, reduce carcinogens up to 90%;
③The CO2 (carbon dioxide) produced by the combustion of biodiesel is much lower than the CO2 absorbed by plants during the whole growth process, which is conducive to alleviating the greenhouse effect;
Biodiesel contains 11w% oxygen, basically does not contain sulfur, and has very good lubricity, which does not affect fuel consumption, fuel ignition, output power, and engine torque;
⑤ Because the raw material is animal and vegetable oil, biodiesel is also renewable;
Biodiesel is environmentally friendly, does not contain benzene or other carcinogenic polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, and has low volatile organic compounds (VOCs) content;
⑦ Biodiesel has high safety, its flash point is very high, about 70 ℃ higher than petroleum diesel, and it is not necessary to consider it as flammable;
Biodiesel is easy to biodegrade, and its biodegradability is 4 times faster than that of petroleum diesel. After 28 days, biodiesel can be degraded 85-88% in water, which is the same as the degradation rate of glucose. Accidents run to the land or water without harm;
⑨ The toxicity of biodiesel is very low. The acute oral toxicity is more than 17.4 g/kg body weight, which is one tenth of the toxicity of salt. Relatively speaking, it is still relatively safe. It must be fuel and not beverage!
The irritation of skin is low, and the irritation of undiluted biodiesel to human skin is less than that of 4% soapy water.
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Yangzhou Jianyuan Biotechnology Co., Ltd.
Address: No.8, Central Avenue, Yangzhou Chemical Industry Park (in Yizheng City)

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